Dr. Yossi Tsfadia is a senior lecturer at the School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry & Biophysics, at Tel Aviv University. Its main interest is the study of protein-protein interactions.
Dr. Tsfadia uses Molecular Dynamics simulations, NMA, and docking algorithms, to follow the conformation landscape of protein structures in order to reveal the biochemical mechanism at atomic-scale resolution. Based on the understanding of the mechanism, his research evolves towards drug designing. Currently, there are several subjects of interest:
- The recognition and interaction of SARS CoV 1, MERS, and SARS CoV 2 Corona Viruses with receptors and antibodies.
- The mechanism of chemotherapeutic drug resistance caused by the transporter MRP1.
- Design of peptides and peptidomimetics that can inhibit the Insulin Degrading Enzyme (IDE) for therapeutic applications in Diabetes.
Email: yossit@tauex.tau.ac.il
Web: https://tsfadialab.wixsite.com/tsfadialab