Dr. Sefi Handler is an Israeli art historian and journalist, an expert on Renaissance and Baroque art in Italy. And as director of the Genia Schreib University Gallery.
Dr. Hendler is a senior lecturer in early modern Italian art in the Art History department of the Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University where he also heads the undergraduate honors program in Art History.
He graduated in both Art History and Law studies from Tel Aviv University and obtained his PhD. in 2009 in Paris from the Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne).
He specializes in the Paragone (competitive comparison) between painting and sculpture, the subject of his book La guerre des Arts : Le Paragone peinture-sculpture en Italie XVe-XVIIe siècle (L’Erma di Bretscneider, Rome, 2013) winner of the l'Erma per l'arte best manuscript prize for the year 2010.
Hendler published among other in Studiolo, La revue de l’Art, Sculpture Journal, Seizième Siècle and different exhibition catalogues as the Bronzino artist and poet in the court of the Medici (Palazzo Storzzi, 2010) and Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino: diverging paths of Mannerism (Palazzo Strozzi 2014).
He was a boursier (scholarship holder) of the École francaise de Rome – Villa Médicis, and borsista (scholarship holder) at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz (Max Planck Institut). He is a member of the Centre d’Histoire de l’Art de la Renaissance (CHAR) at the French National Institute of Art History (INHA).
His forthcoming book: Gracious and beautiful monster: the literary universe of Bronzino's Nano Morgante is forthcoming in English and in Italian (Maschietto Editore, Iconologia collection edited by Antonio Natali) examines links between literature, painting, and botany at the court of the Medici in 16th century Florence.