Dr. Assaf Madi, Head of the Laboratory for Systems Immunology, Sackler School of Medicine.
What are the different aspects of chronic activation of the immune system, as a result of a chronic virus or cancer? Which cells are important in antiviral or cancerous activity and what prevents them from operating freely? And can the same immune system cells be activated and the virus or cancer cells infected destroyed and in the same breath provide immune memory that will prevent the recurrence of the disease or infection?
The immune system is a complex system that includes a wide variety of cells of different types, capable of performing a wide range of actions: memory, learning and decision-making ability - very similar to the nervous system - but in motion. In our laboratory, we use mouse models and combine innovative experimental methods such as single cell RNAseq together with advanced computational methods to answer these and other questions.
Email: asafmadi@tauex.tau.ac.il