The 3rd Annual Conference of the TAU Center for Combating Pandemics

The 3rd Annual Conference of the TCCP
The 3rd Annual Conference of the TCCP. Photo: Yael Tzur


Dear friends and members of the TCCP


On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, we had The 3rd Annual Conference of the Center at the Steinhardt Museum of National History of Tel Aviv University. About 130 participants were registered to participate. We would like to thank each and every one of them, lecturers, session chairs, and the audience for their contribution to the conference's success. Thanks also to everyone who participated in the conference logistics and administrative organization.


The annual conference is a major event of the Center activities, which emphasizes the commitment of Tel Aviv University, its researchers and students to the field of combatting pandemics. This year, the conference reflected global changes in the field. Since the COVID-19 pandemic ended, the field is shifting gears from concentrated efforts to prevent, diagnose and treat COVID-19 to analysing the lessons we have learned during the Pandemic and preparing for future Pandemics.


The conference was opened with a plenary lecture by Prof. Bruria Adini, the Head of the Depertment of Emergency Management at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Tel Aviv University.  Prof. Adini  studies challenges identified in preparing for and managing varied emergency situations and implementing the findings to promote effective management of emergencies and disasters. She is involved in planning and implementation processes aimed at ensuring effective response to different hazards that pose a risk, including in studying, teaching, and validating policies.


Prof. Adini's lecture in the conference had the title: Beyond Fear: Trands in Preceived Threats of the Israeli Public Within And Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Following the plenary lectures, we had two parallel sessions. One was focused on studies from the faculties of Medicine, Life Sciences, Exact Sciences, and Engineering. The second session was focused on studies from the faculties of Law, Humanities, and Social Sciences. This variety of affiliations further emphasized the TCCP's multidisciplinary nature. Finally, we had a session where PhD students who received scholarships from the TCCP presented their studies.


In a few days, we will place the recordings of the lectures on the TCCP Web site. This will make it possible for those who could not attend the live lectures to watch it. A few presenters presented unpublished data and asked that their lectures will not be recorded. Naturally, these will not be available for viewing.


Best wishes to all!

The TCCP leadership.

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